Doctor Information

Contact Informtaion
 95407338 / 92135822

Qualifications :

- 香港註冊中醫師 (全科) HKSAR Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (General Practice) (Acupuncture)
- 廣州中醫藥大學學士 (中醫學) Bachelor of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
- 香港華夏醫藥學會 整脊理療科主任 Director of Chiropractic Department, Hong Kong Wah Ha Medicine Association


Services :

- 中醫全科 (內科、婦科、兒科、老年科、皮膚科、腫瘤科、骨傷科)

- 中藥顆粒

- 外洗

- 特效中成藥

- 針灸 (穴位針刺、梅花針、耳針、天灸)

- 拔罐

- 刮痧

- 中醫手法治療

- 整脊

- 保健養生

- 徒手整形

- 中醫催乳

- 女性產後脊骨調整

- 產後中藥調理


Affiliated Clinic/ Hospital

Unit C, 10/Floor, Century House, 3-4 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 
Monday - Friday: 10:00-20:00
Saturday: 10:00-18:00
Sunday: 10:00-18:30
Room 601, 6 Floor, Lansing House, 41-47 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong 
Monday - Friday: 10:00-20:00
Saturday - Sunday: 10:00-18:30

Other Service Details

Charges Reference
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